To my Gissi from me

My Sweet Boy you have been gone now for 7 weeks, the Pain is still so strong I miss you so much 
For 9 Years you my little Man have been with me day in day out, night in night out 
We have fought battles together on the Health Side, we have snuggled together when you wanted to
You showed your love in so many ways for me my little Boy 
You where always full of trust love and you where so smart you captured many Hearts all over the world 
There will always be a part of me missing you will always be in my heart and Mind 
I promise that I will look after Missi and love Missi.................she has already lost most of her Fears 
I just wish you did not have to leave but I know you have no more pains now, I know that where ever you are your love me is still there and always will be, I really hope it is true what People say that I will see you again in a different world 
We are moving back to Mike and Mel sweet Boy and of course you will be coming with me Buttons and Missi 
Butty misses you too he spent a few Days looking for you but I think he knew then 
He keeps looking up and I believe that you 2 are seeing each other and having a small chat and you are both letting me know that you are here and always will be with me
Even Missi sees you there is times I feel you 
So Baby Boy we will always be together and I will always love you forever and ever 
You telling me of lol , I love you Baby xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Annie ......I still miss him he was my little Star he always will be xxx
